Meet the Clinical Coordinators Team

Responsible for supporting development, implementation and maintenance of the HealthPathways program.

  Veronica Hunter-Rivière - Adelaide PHN

Veronica has a background in public health and nursing. Joined Adelaide PHN in 2017 after returning from maternity leave and 9 years with Medicare Locals and Divisions of General Practice.

Veronica has a keen interest in patient-centered process and pathway mapping, unpacking the patient journey particularly for chronic and complex conditions.

She has been a part of the HealthPathways SA team since its inception in June 2017.


  Litza Myers - Country SA PHN

After completing a Master of Public Health degree in 2001 Litza has worked in a variety of academic, project and clinical roles. HealthPathways, as a program , represents the best of these roles in that it blends using the most up to date evidence based practice, with a clinical support element and program outcomes designed to improve the health system.

Litza enjoys working with a dynamic and committed team of clinicians and program staff in her role as a clinical coordinator to continue to develop pathways and engage with the health system in SA.

She has been a part of the HealthPathways SA team since its inception in June 2017.


  Craig Arrighi - Wellbeing SA

Craig has worked in the South Australian Public Sector for over 20 years in a variety of project management roles, predominantly within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Sector. 

Craig embraced change and believes we have a responsibility to look for new and different ways to do things to improve outcomes. Craig feels proud to be working on a product that has the potential to positively impacts people’s lives and enjoy the opportunity to work with the a dedicated, talented and supportive team. 

He joined the HealthPathways SA team in May 2019.


  Marc Apolloni - Adelaide PHN

Marc has a Bachelor of Pharmacy and a graduate Diploma in Community Practice Pharmacy from the University of South Australia. Marc is an Accredited Pharmacist and credentialed Diabetes Educator.

Marc is a member of the Flinders University’s research team for the project titled Grey Nomads with Diabetes – Self-management and medication management on the road. Marc considers HealthPathways program vitally important to improve health outcomes as it strives to improve care to those who need it most through better service integration.

He joined the HealthPathways SA team in November 2020.


  Michelle Pontifex - Adelaide PHN

Michelle joined the HealthPathways SA team in November 2022

She holds a Diploma in Nursing (Registered Nurse) and an Advanced Diploma in Business (Tourism Management) and has moved between both industries over the course of her career.

Working as a Nurse Manager in a variety of General Practices, Michelle saw that people often need their local GP surgery  to be the gateway to the multitude of organisations and services that make up South Australia’s Health and Welfare Sectors.   
Therefore, navigating patients to the most appropriate and timely treatment or support comprised one of the main functions of general practice and primary health care.

Prior to joining the team, Michelle was already a registered user of Health Pathways, regularly consulting the site for clinical knowledge and information to inform and support her own nursing care and patient education.

She is excited by the opportunity to work on the ‘other side of the fence’ now and contribute to the creation of new clinical pathways and promote how health professionals can best utilize HealthPathways to guide and support their clinical care too. 

HealthPathways South Australia has been made possible by the funding and support of SA Health, Adelaide PHN and Country SA PHN.

Contact us: For all queries, please contact the HealthPathways South Australia Team